Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Photo Flashbacks...

Today I'm joining in with my friend Alicia, from More ThanWords, for her Friday Photo Flashbacks.  This is where we can share photos from the "pre-digital" era.

I love this picture of my Mom.  She is so pretty and fashionable.  She was the president of the Enlisted Wives Club (Air Force) and always participated in the fashion shows on base.  Don't you just love the mini-skirt?  :)

It's incredible for me to look at her and realize she had given birth to her 8th child only 4 years before  this photo!!!!  This is LONG before gym memberships, treadmills, ellipticals and Wi. :)

Pop over to Alicia's blog to check out more fun pictures from the past, or to link up one of your own!

Have a beautiful and Jesus filled day!
Kathy C.


  1. wow!!! She looks amazing for having 8 children! So beautiful!

  2. Wow, not only does she look physically great, she looks calm and serene FOR HAVING 8 KIDS !

  3. Your Mom is gorgeous! Must be a special photo and well worn.

  4. Wow!! I'm super impressed!!!!

    She is so beautiful!!

  5. Yeah I've only had two kids and don't look that good.

  6. Wow I thought it was you!
    Your MOM is HERMOSA!!!!
