Monday, June 14, 2010

Miscellany Monday...

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I was just going to post a few random things, then I happened upon this meme, so figured, someone new "hi Carissa, from lowercase letters", and link up! :)  If you want to join, pop over HERE.

Yesterday I was blessed to be able to host my "nephew" Jeffrey's 8th birthday party.  We always have fun with our best buds, the Wilson Family...

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you MIGHT remember this post about Dance.  Well, here we are in June, and it's recital time...yup, that's right folks "Mom" is in the recital, Saturday I get to stand in front of millions of parents and wear these! 

(or a "slightly altered" version that I doctored up on my sewing machine, but that's a whole 'nuther post all together)...Oh wow...I AM frightened...

I made some super yummy (and mighty healthy) Oatmeal Molasses Berry Muffins today and MUST share the recipe with you...go HERE. :)

I just love my husband more than I can say....

We went out on the boat yesterday...the water was gorgeous, and the sun was HOT...great combo!

I need to refinish my dining room table, and I'm thinking of doing a shabby chic white grey thing to it....thoughts????  Suggestions???? HELP!!!

So, was your week/weekend? :)


  1. KATHY!!

    THE PANTS!!!!

    THE PANTS!!!

    You have to take pictures. lol. :)

    ANd yes, go for the shabby chic grey white thing. It is so pretty and homey and yet classy. I have to redo my dining room table also. Ugh.

  2. thanks so much for joining in! it's great to "meet" you! the water looks fabulous! sounds like a lovely way to spend the day! those muffins sound delicious! and it's a double bonus that they are good for you! woo hoo! i love my hubby more than i can say, too! : )

  3. What a blessing you are to host the party at your house even with the nonhomemade pinata. :D

    Love the shabby chic grey! :D

  4. Holy moly on the pants batman. Not sure I could pull that one off. Better show us some pictures. I didn't know you danced :) Fun
    Those muffins look awesome too.

  5. Oh I'll take pictures alright! *She says in an evil laugh*

    I can't wait. That's going to be so much fun to watch.

    Love you my friend!!

  6. Loving the pants, dying for pictures of you in them. Love the table pictures!! You should go for it!! Your husband seems as silly as mine!!

    Love and Blessings

  7. You sexy thing you! You gonna sooo good in those pants er I mean the ones you made :) Can't wait to see and hear alllllllll about it :)

    Your are such a great "Aunt"

    Boat.Ocean.Heat.....heavenly :)

    Love you

  8. What can I say - those pants, can you get them on and OFF with any problems??? Pictures please - perhaps a video.

    I like that table - I like the size.

  9. LOL @ your husband and the pinata!!!!

    And wow! I totally want to see you on in those pants!!
