Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday's Fave Fives...

I have been a busy bee this week, and realized I just haven't been a bloggin' I thought I'd end the week with 5 things that have really blessed me this week...

1.  ...Meeting my new little Great-Neice yesterday...she is just a beautiful little darling and I can't wait to see her again!

2.  Going to see STOMP with my hubby last was SO fun...what a great show, so much talent and you never stop wondering what they'll do next...

3.  The sight of gladiolas peeking their tips out from the warm spring earth...I wonder what colors they'll bring to my garden...

4.  Watching several birds chattering away as they splashed about in my fountain.  My first thought was...they're only grackles...but what a blessing they were to watch...

5.  Digging in the dirt...have I mentioned I love spring?  I LOVE spring!  It's my favorite time of year and I find myself wandering out the back door several times a day just to dig around and play in the dirt...:)

I hope you pop over to Living To Tell The Story and find out what other were blessed with this week...Maybe even share your own! :)


  1. Thanks for dropping by, Kathy, I chuckled at your comment! I recently became a gladiolas fan myself, and I'm eagerly waiting just as you mentioned. Glad you are so blessed, but that's because you are a blessing.

  2. What a little doll!
    And what fun to see STOMP together! I remember seeing them - or maybe an earlier version? - years ago on the Cosby Show.

    Hey, did you ever send me your address? It hasn't shown up in my email.

    Love ya loads, sunny buddy!
    Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^

  3. LOL! I have to stop letting The Duchess use my puter. I keep forgetting to change users. Did you guess it was me? 8-]

  4. What a beautiful, precious babe!

    I've always wanted to see Stomp. I've so many good things.

    What a lovely bird bath. I would love having birds come to something like that in my yard but my cat would be very interested in them too, unfortunately.

  5. Sounds wonderful. I love all the signs of Spring just makes me feel alive!
    Your grand niece is a cutie. Blessings on your weekend...

  6. Your week sounded very blessed. I have seen Stomp and loved it - very funny also. Aren't birds wonderful to watch playing in water:)

    Have a lovely weekend

  7. My husband and I saw Stomp a few years ago. We really enjoyed it.

    That baby is a cutie.

    Have a great weekend.

    p.s. check out the giveaway on my blog

  8. I LOVED your list Kathy! What a beautiful, beautiful baby. And all your digging in the dirt, gladiolas, etc, could easily be on my list too. I have not had a REAL spring in 19 years and I am loving every minute.

    Enjoy! Happy spring!!

  9. What a beautiful baby!

    Stomp is SO much fun -- I loved it.

    Don't you love digging the dirt. I love the smell, surprisingly enough.

    Happy spring, happy weekend.

  10. Kathy,

    The baby is beautiful! I just have to ask...her mom isn't Bridget is she? If the answer to that question is yes, you and I are going to be laughing a whole lot when I tell you our connection!!

    And I love spring too...digging in the dirt. I love to see how God grows things.

    Thank you for your prayers, my friend. I know God is with me...I'm just really struggling right now.

  11. Too cute....I love the pink color your have used in your design.....

    Doing a little Sunday morning blog hopping...Its snowing here.
    I have 2 GREAT GIVEAWAYS that I will draw for tonight ...
    stop by and leave a comment...That's all that's needed.

  12. Your great niece is beautiful! I have never been to see Stomp, but have always wanted to. I imagine they are very entertaining. Yes we are seeing birds everywhere. I have been amazed at the killdeer in our neighborhood and we saw a red tailed hawk this morning! You have a beautiful blog!
