Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Photo Challenge Giveaway!

My sweet "niece", Kelsey, is having a giveaway on her blog, The Flip-Flop Farmgirl.  There are 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes from Etsy shops, all "camera" related...how exciting!

Kelsey's blog is filled with lovely photos and precious thoughts from a godly young ladies heart.  Please pop over there and say "Hello!".  :)


Enter the giveaway too!!!

Here is my entry:  Heart and Flowers

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bi-Monthly Blogging...

I really never intend to just go away for months at a time and not blog...not read blogs...not publish lost comments...sigh.  It just happens.  Life happens.  And I love living life...it's quite interesting. :)

Remember last summer, when we were on our way to the Keys for vacation, and my precious hubby ended up in the ER and spent the next few months recovering from some pretty nasty burns?  Well, guess what?  We made it this year!!!!  Yay!!!!  We drove straight there, no breakdowns, no fires, no hospital visits.  Just a vacation in the beautiful Florida Keys.... I still look at those scars, which are so faint that I may be the only one who can tell you where the outlines are in exact detail... I am so thankful for my husband's life and health. 

Reasons we like to vacation in the Keys:

Sunsets like this...Wow!

Water like this...

Moments like this...

This...ok, I admit...I get to see this on the river at home, hee hee...

Dinner like this...

Chillin like this...

Times like this...

...and....this?  What?  You don't take your Pet's "alter ego" on vacation???  :)

Do you remember last summer, right around the same time as that terrible accident, my son got on a plane and headed for Afghanistan?  Well, he is back in the U.S., safe and sound.  Maybe a few tiny scratches, no scrapes.  All his fingers/all his toes. :)  He did have some rough times, some frightening moments and some scary stories...but he's home, and I'm a happy Momma.

My Grown Up Baby Boy in a far off land...

Being awarded a combat medal by the Army (he's in the Air Force but was working with Army Infantry)...

Finally, back home. :)  Playing in the surf with Momma...

This brought tears to my eyes...great big, fat happy tears!

Surf can be scary...

I know someone else who was VERY happy to see this boy...

I felt like a very unloved "Dog Mom" while he was home... LOL

It's all fun n' games... until....

...someone get's eaten by a Hippo????? :)

If you've seen that Tim Hawkins video...you know that it is very important for Mom's to feed their kids... "Have you Eaten?"... LOL

The whole "family"...  and Jody too. :)

~ I'm praying for my sweet friends who have sons overseas at this time, please pray for the safe return home of all our troops...and pray for the families of those who have lost thier lives.

~ My garden is in summer "dead" mode...it's HOT and DRY right now...actually we got some MUCH needed rain last night and I'm so thankful.  I pulled p all those scraggly plants that were being beaten down by the summer sun and eaten up by the summer bugs.  Now I'll begin feeding the garden and planning for Fall planting...

~ I've been baking...the lastest cake was a Princess and the Pea themed cake...very fun to make...

Next up will be a more "elegant" Bridal Shower cake...  fun stuff!

~ I'm proud to announce my son will be promoted in Jan/Feb to SSgt.!!!  We are some super proud parents...that's all I can about that!                       Smart Kid.

~  I confess I'm already thinking about Christmas...it just pops into my mind every now and again.  I'm like that.

What about you?  What's been going on this summer?  What's new?  What's old?  :)

Have a beautiful sunshine filled day...but if the sun's too hot, go swimming!!! :)