So, I was browsing through the Better Homes and Gardens and I saw this cute idea for a Valentine Decoration. I love decorating my home for Valentines and I have WAY too much fabric on my hands, so I decided I could make this. It's a banner that you hang up, and it says L O V E...with a heart at each end. I chose the "no-sew" method, using wonder under to attach the letters and Fabri-Tac glue too attach it to the hanging cord.
I decided that I would put one letter on each side of a piece of fabric, then just fold it over the cord. I planned to hang it between my dining room and living room, so it could be read from both rooms. This is where it all goes downhill...
I layed it out on the cord and viewed it....lookin' good...Stormie checked my spelling and gave me the paws up!
I flipped the letters over to see how the other side looked.
Let me just give you a little lesson here. When you want something to read on two sides, you don't put the SAME letter back to back. It don't come out perty!
Are you sure you're ready for this?
Yup....this is what it said... Stormie was not pleased.
Keep going...'s down there....
Luckily I was able to correct it though, glad I checked this before HANGING it up!!! LOLOLOL oh ... sigh.
Have a laughter filled Friday!
Kathy C.